2.1 Making a hierarchical structure

We can use the make_structure function to create nested and crossed hierarchical data structures. The make_structure function only produces balanced data structures, but these can be made unbalanced by sampling, which is outlined in Section 7

2.1.1 Single Factor

Simplest structure - one grouping factor with multiple observations. Here we create a structure with 2 repeated observations of 5 individuals (small number are used here simply for illustration purposes). The structure contains the name of the grouping factors and their sample sizes, and repeat_obs is the number of repeated observations.

make_structure(structure="individual(5)", repeat_obs=2)
##    individual
## 1           1
## 2           1
## 3           2
## 4           2
## 5           3
## 6           3
## 7           4
## 8           4
## 9           5
## 10          5

2.1.2 Nested factors

If we want to have nested factors, so different hierarchical groups, where levels of one group only exist in one higher group then we can use the / symbol in the structure argument. For example, here we have 2 sexes, each with 5 individuals, with 2 repeated measurements each.

make_structure(structure="sex(2)/individual(5)", repeat_obs=2)
##    sex individual
## 1    1          1
## 2    1          1
## 3    1          2
## 4    1          2
## 5    1          3
## 6    1          3
## 7    1          4
## 8    1          4
## 9    1          5
## 10   1          5
## 11   2          6
## 12   2          6
## 13   2          7
## 14   2          7
## 15   2          8
## 16   2          8
## 17   2          9
## 18   2          9
## 19   2         10
## 20   2         10

Note that in the nesting, the sample size for the lower group now represents the number within each level of the higher, rather than the total sample size, so overall there is 10 individuals.

We can nest as much as we want:

make_structure(structure="species(2)/population(2)/individual(2)", repeat_obs=2)
##    species population individual
## 1        1          1          1
## 2        1          1          1
## 3        1          1          2
## 4        1          1          2
## 5        1          2          3
## 6        1          2          3
## 7        1          2          4
## 8        1          2          4
## 9        2          3          5
## 10       2          3          5
## 11       2          3          6
## 12       2          3          6
## 13       2          4          7
## 14       2          4          7
## 15       2          4          8
## 16       2          4          8

2.1.3 Crossed factors

We can create completely crossed factors - every combination of levels exists - using the + symbol in the structure argument

make_structure(structure="treatment(2) + individual(5)", repeat_obs=1)
##    treatment individual
## 1          1          1
## 2          1          2
## 3          1          3
## 4          1          4
## 5          1          5
## 6          2          1
## 7          2          2
## 8          2          3
## 9          2          4
## 10         2          5

We can combine crossed and nested structures:

make_structure(structure="treatment(2) + sex(2)/individual(5)", repeat_obs=1)
##    treatment sex individual
## 1          1   1          1
## 2          1   1          2
## 3          1   1          3
## 4          1   1          4
## 5          1   1          5
## 6          1   2          6
## 7          1   2          7
## 8          1   2          8
## 9          1   2          9
## 10         1   2         10
## 11         2   1          1
## 12         2   1          2
## 13         2   1          3
## 14         2   1          4
## 15         2   1          5
## 16         2   2          6
## 17         2   2          7
## 18         2   2          8
## 19         2   2          9
## 20         2   2         10

We can also output the crossed and nested using :

make_structure(structure="treatment(2) + individual(5) + treatment:individual", repeat_obs=1)
##    treatment individual treatment_individual
## 1          1          1                    1
## 2          1          2                    2
## 3          1          3                    3
## 4          1          4                    4
## 5          1          5                    5
## 6          2          1                    6
## 7          2          2                    7
## 8          2          3                    8
## 9          2          4                    9
## 10         2          5                   10

2.1.4 Temporal structure

ds <- make_structure(structure="year(2)/month(12)/day(30)", repeat_obs=1)
##   year month day
## 1    1     1   1
## 2    1     1   2
## 3    1     1   3
## 4    1     1   4
## 5    1     1   5
## 6    1     1   6
ds <- make_structure(structure="year(2) + month(12) + day(30) + year:month:day", repeat_obs=1)
##   year month day year_month_day
## 1    1     1   1              1
## 2    1     1   2              2
## 3    1     1   3              3
## 4    1     1   4              4
## 5    1     1   5              5
## 6    1     1   6              6

2.1.5 Naming factor levels

Rather than just outputting 1 - N levels for the level names of each factor, we might want to assign names.

This can be done for all or some of the grouping factors, using the level_names argument. We can input a list, with an item in the list for each grouping factor we want to assign names, and then a vector of their names, which is the same length of the number of levels in that grouping factor. For example, below we just assign names to the two sexes:

make_structure(structure="sex(2)/individual(5)", repeat_obs=2,  level_names=list(sex=c("female","male")))
##       sex individual
## 1  female          1
## 2  female          1
## 3  female          2
## 4  female          2
## 5  female          3
## 6  female          3
## 7  female          4
## 8  female          4
## 9  female          5
## 10 female          5
## 11   male          6
## 12   male          6
## 13   male          7
## 14   male          7
## 15   male          8
## 16   male          8
## 17   male          9
## 18   male          9
## 19   male         10
## 20   male         10

And then to the individuals and the sexes

make_structure(structure="sex(2)/individual(5)", repeat_obs=2,  level_names=list(sex=c("female","male"),individual=paste0("ind_",1:10)))
##       sex individual
## 1  female      ind_1
## 2  female      ind_1
## 3  female      ind_2
## 4  female      ind_2
## 5  female      ind_3
## 6  female      ind_3
## 7  female      ind_4
## 8  female      ind_4
## 9  female      ind_5
## 10 female      ind_5
## 11   male      ind_6
## 12   male      ind_6
## 13   male      ind_7
## 14   male      ind_7
## 15   male      ind_8
## 16   male      ind_8
## 17   male      ind_9
## 18   male      ind_9
## 19   male     ind_10
## 20   male     ind_10